Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pasta with Smoked Salmon, Fennel and Mushrooms

350 grams of Pasta
200 grams of Tomatoes
200 grams of Smoked Salmon
125 grams of Mushrooms
1 Fennel
1 Lemon
1/2 Leek
1 dl of Cream
Olive oil

Course of Action

1. Boil water and put in 350 grams of Pasta (3 servings)

2. Cut the tomatoes in thin slices, cut the lemon in slices.

3. Cut 1 fennel lengthways, remove a small piece of the center. Shred the rest of the fennel. Cut the mushrooms in slices. Clean and shred 1/2 leek.

4. Heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and fry the  fennel at medium temperature setting for 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms and leek and fry 3 more minutes.  Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a pinch of white pepper

5.  Add the juice of half a lemon, 1 dl of cream and 1/2 dl of water in the pan. Stir around and let it simmer for 2 minutes.

6. Shred 200 grams of smoked salmon and carefully stir it into the pan. Let it simmer for 1 minute.

Ready to serve the pasta with the salmon sauce and the tomatoes!
 Bon appetit!

Friday, July 27, 2012

The amazing health benefits of the coconut.

Whether it's coconut oil or water, coconut has shown again and again to be very healthy.

Coconut oil is used for a plethora of different purposes such as
* Hair/Skin care
* Stress relief
* Lowering cholesterol levels
* Weight loss
* Increased immunity
* Proper digestion and metabolism
* Relief from kidney problems
* Reduced risk of heart disease
* High blood pressure
* Diabetes
* Hiv
* Bone strengthening
* Dental care
And more..
If you want to read more about coconut oil and what makes it so healthy, in detail,  I would advise you to look at this site. Or just use Google, there is plenty of information.

For me personally, I started using coconut oil a few months back. Sometimes I even have a shot of coconut oil before I eat, just to get my stomach going.
Since is stopped using the other oils I feel more 'light' in a sense. I also use it for my skin and hair with good results.

Coconut water is often used as a way to re-hydrate after exercise or diarrhea , as it is full of nutrients and electrolytes.
For example  100ml of coconut water contains 250mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium. The water is also a very good source of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine and folates. Furthermore its rich in calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc.

SO - If you have the opportunity and it doesn't cost you a fortune, drink at least 1 coconuts worth of coconut water every day, combine that with using only coconut oil to fry you foods, I believe you will feel the difference quite soon!

I am actually drinking the coconut water (and eating the flesh of course) on this picture, as I am writing this!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lime Chicken with Cashew Nuts

Lime Chicken with Cashew Nuts and Stir Fried Vegetables

600 grams of chicken filet
4 servings of rice
250 grams of cabbage
100 grams of carrots
1 red onion
75 grams of sugar snaps
1/2 red paprika
50 grams of cashew nuts
1 lime
Chinese soy
Cayenne pepper

Course of Action

1. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees Celsius and boil 4 servings of rice.

2. Cut the chicken filets in half and put it in a deep baking tray

3. Marinade: Wash the lime.
First grate the peel and then squeeze out the juice. Mix it with 1 table spoon of soy, 1 table spoon of honey, a big pinch of salt and a small pinch of cayenne pepper.

4. Roast the chicken in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove the baking tray and spread some cashew nuts over the chicken and put in the oven for 5 more minutes.

5. Shred a half red paprika and 250 grams of cabbage. Peel and cut 1 carrot in thin strips. Cut 1 red onion in cloves.

6. Heat up 2 table spoons of oil in a large frying pan. Fry the vegetables (cabbage, carrots, onions) on a high temperature setting for 3 minutes. Add 75 grams of sugar snaps and fry 1 more minute. Spice it up with a pinch of salt and pepper.

7. Serve the chicken with rice and the stir fried vegetables.

My other blog:

Chicken "Hurry Curry" for 3 People

Chicken "Hurry Curry" with Rice for 3 people

600g of boneless chicken
4 servings of rice
300 grams of tomatoes
200 grams of red onions
1 trough of haricot verts
1 dl creme fraiche
0.5 dl tomato puree
35 grams of baby spinach
0.5 tablespoon of chicken broth powder (or half a cube)
1 tablespoon of curry
1 teaspoon of ginger
0.5 milliliter of cayenne pepper

Course of Action

1. Cut 1 trough of haricot verts (150g) in 2cm big pieces

2. Boil rice for 3 people, lets the haricot verts boil with the rice the last 3 minutes.

3. Roughly chop the red onions and the tomatoes. Cut the chicken in 1 cm strips.

4. Heat up 1 tablespoon of oil in a pot. Add 0.5 dl tomato puree, 1 table spoon of curry, the red onions and the tomatoes. Fry on high temperature setting for 2 minutes.

5. Add 1 dl of water, 1dl of creme fraiche, the chicken broth powder, the ginger, a pinch of salt and the cayenne pepper and mix it slightly with a hand blender.

6. Put the pieces of chicken into the pot and let it simmer for 12 minutes. Stir every now and then.

7. Remove it from the stove and add the baby spinach.

Serve the chicken with the rice and haricot vertes!
Another easy recipe from a farang in Thailand!

Swedish Hash with Lamb for 3 People

Swedish Hash with Lamb, 3 Servings

500 grams of Potatoes
200 grams of Carrots
200 grams of Celery
600 grams of Leg of Lamb
1 Green Paprika
1 Onion
2.5dl Yoghurt (unflavored)
3 pieces of Garlic
Olive Oil
Course of Action

1. Turn on the oven to 225 degrees Celsius.

2. Chop up the potatoes, carrots and celeries in 1x1cm cubes.
Sprinkle some olive oil in a deep baking tray and put the potatoes, carrots and celeries in.
Spice it up with rosemary, salt and pepper and put it in the upper levels of the oven for 30 minutes.
Stir around after about 15 minutes.
3. Cut the leg of lamb into 2x2cm cubes, put the lamb in a bowl and put in 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 teaspoon of rosemary, a pinch of pepper and salt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Rub it into the pieces of lamb.

4. Cut the paprika in 2x2cm cubes and put them in the oven with the rest of the root crops for the last 10 minutes.
5. Finely chop 1 onion. Heat up a frying pan and put the lamb and the onions in. Fry on medium heat for 5 minutes.
6. Sauce: Mix 2.5 dl unflavored yoghurt with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 crushed garlic clove, a pinch of salt and pepper.

7. Mix the lamb with the roasted root crops and serve it with the garlic sauce!

Hope you enjoyed making this recipe, it tastes AWESOME! I will upload 1 recipe or more EVERY DAY! So stay tuned for more delicious farang food!